Thursday, February 2, 2012

Converting, Converting, and more Converting

So the first thing I must say is that I hate rendering. So of course the first step of the process for us was to convert all the files so we wouldn't have to render anymore. Converting takes forever. Luckily I was fortunate enough to have my awesome partner Deanna take over that job for me. She was able to convert all the files, and that was really exciting. Now we don't have to render yay! The next step I had my team do was to sync the sound and video of all the interviews together, and make each answer into a separate subclip. I knew that would make it so much easier on us in the long run for finding sections we needed. To save time each of us took a section of interviews to work on. I really believe that it has saved us a ton of time and headaches by doing that. We then had to start to construct our first four minute clip. I had an idea of where I wanted to start, but where to go after that I was totally lost. I really need to figure out how I want to transition from one section to the next. We've worked really hard on our first 4 minutes, and I'm so exited to see where the film goes from here.

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