Thursday, February 23, 2012

A rough uninspired week

So I have to say the past two weeks have driven me crazy. My stress level went enormously high and I had a really difficult time trying to focus on anything. So of course sitting down to edit more footage together was a very dauting task. I took a day off and let my partners work on finding new clips to add. When I returned Monday I felt much better and was able to sit down and whip out an intro that allows my entrance in the film to be a bigger surprise. The intro isn't too long, but I hope it works. We also worked on finishing the eye making process. That was extremely difficult to cut down. We had around 20 minutes of footage that needed to be cut down to around 5 minutes. Jacob had a hard time watching me cut down some of his favorite shots. I told him he could make an expiremental film out of the shots we didn't use haha.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Do We Have A Tone?

I have been thinking about where I want to take my film. I want this film to be informative, and inspiring, but the question is what tone to take. Considering that this is such a personal piece I can't just sit back and not have me in it. Also considering that I'm going to be putting myself in there I think my voice must be clear. I have thought about doing my piece similar to Blue Vinyl, but I want to have a more lyrical feel to it. I'm not entirely sure how this is going to play out, but I guess we will see how this goes.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Inspiring Tones

After watching a few different documentaries I realized there are several different tones that the film makers take. I also realized that finding a certain tone may be a fairly difficult thing to do. Tone is defined as: a particular quality, way of sounding, modulation, or intonation of the voice as expressive of some meaning, feeling, spirit, etc.: a tone of command. So I suppose that every film maker upon making a documentary expresses their own voice in some way. Blue Vinyl has a very distinctive voice to it because the film maker narrates throughout as well as includes herself in the documentary. It is clear that the film maker is very passionate about the subject she was filming. She explains the story behind why she was so concerned about the subject. Blue Vinyl is so intriguing because the film maker has such a strong opinion, and through the doc expresses it. It really pulls the viewers in and causes them to feel the same thing she's feeling throughout the film. Another documentary, The Other "F" Word, has a completely different voice. In this documentary the film maker is not present at all within the film. It's hard to understand why the film maker wanted to create the film. I can understand that the point of the film is to show these punk rockers in different lights, but I was a bit confused during parts when the film went into a different direction by explaining the history of punk rock. I feel that should have been a whole other documentary in itself. So now I need to take these different types of tones for the documentary and figure out how I'm going to form my documentary. That's going to be the hard part...

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Converting, Converting, and more Converting

So the first thing I must say is that I hate rendering. So of course the first step of the process for us was to convert all the files so we wouldn't have to render anymore. Converting takes forever. Luckily I was fortunate enough to have my awesome partner Deanna take over that job for me. She was able to convert all the files, and that was really exciting. Now we don't have to render yay! The next step I had my team do was to sync the sound and video of all the interviews together, and make each answer into a separate subclip. I knew that would make it so much easier on us in the long run for finding sections we needed. To save time each of us took a section of interviews to work on. I really believe that it has saved us a ton of time and headaches by doing that. We then had to start to construct our first four minute clip. I had an idea of where I wanted to start, but where to go after that I was totally lost. I really need to figure out how I want to transition from one section to the next. We've worked really hard on our first 4 minutes, and I'm so exited to see where the film goes from here.